Jake's Story

Jake was 11 in June, 1999 when he fell off a high dive onto the public pool deck. This resulted in partial resection of the left temporal lobe and a 12-day coma. There was a closed fracture with internal bleeding. The symptoms that existed as we began treatment were unintelligible speech, motor control, unable to close lips, excessive tone in left hand/arm, weakness with poor motor skills in both hands, and swallowing problems.

Jake’s treatment began in February of 2000. He was skilled at using a communication device to express himself. The muscle problems required braces. However, FNS treatment quickly produced change.

After three treatments he was able to drink with a straw without using his hand to hold lips together, and his mouth was more symmetrical at rest. After six treatments he had no more choking incidents. The practical proof of this return of his normal facial muscle function was that he could whistle and blow bubbles! After 19 treatments Jake no longer needed to use the communicator and he could tuck his lower lip under the upper lip.

These positive changes persisted and made his daily life easier and academic work more productive. After a five- month pause in treatment Jake was going into stores alone, with no need for someone to speak for him. He never again used the Assistive Communication Device. Midway through the 44 treatments he had over a 10-month period he no longer needed the ankle and hand braces. Both arms were strong, and he could walk long distances without tiring. There were 44 treatments over 10 months. Now Jake is in college. His EEG mapping shows marked improvement over the course of treatment.


BWB © 2010